The Michael J. Fox Foundation relies on leading experts around the world who dedicate their time and insight to help us shape our research strategy.
At the Michael J. Fox Foundation, we have been fortunate to assemble a remarkable global network of hundreds of scientific experts and advisors who are dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson's disease.
We rely on these experts in many aspects of our day-to-day operations by looking to them for grant reviews and assessments, relying on their insight in workshops and integrating their voices into program-specific advisory boards.
Our approach allows us to draw on a broad range of expertise and perspectives and ensures that our research strategies are informed by the latest scientific knowledge and trends. We are proud to work with such an exceptional group of advisors, and we appreciate their guidance as it helps us to accelerate progress toward a cure for Parkinson's.
We would like to acknowledge the insight and advice provided by the following advisors who helped us in 2023.
Fox Advisors
- Dag Aarsland
- King’s College London
- _______________
- Charles Adler
- Mayo Clinic Arizona
- _______________
- Roy Alcalay
- The Medical Research, Infrastructure and Health Services Fund of the Tel Aviv Medical Center
- _______________
- Dario Alessi
- University of Dundee
- _______________
- Jay Amin
- Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- _______________
- Shawn Anderson
- Berry Consultants LLC
- _______________
- Saar Anis
- _______________
- Nicholas Ashton
- Banner Sun Health Research Institute
- _______________
- Bijo Augustine
- Ozgene Pty Ltd
- _______________
- Rajeshwar Awatramani
- Northwestern University
- _______________
- William Barbosa
- _______________
- Soraya Bardien
- Stellenbosch University
- _______________
- Peter Bauer
- Centogene GmbH
- _______________
- Thomas Beach
- Banner Health
- _______________
- James Beck
- Parkinson's Foundation
- _______________
- Christian Beetz
- Centogene GmbH
- _______________
- Bahareh (Spring) Behrouz
- Vincere Biosciences
- _______________
- Nora Bengoa-Vergniory
- Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience
- _______________
- Thomas Biederer
- Yale University
- _______________
- Beko Binder
- ClearView Healthcare Partners
- _______________
- Christopher Bishop
- State University of New York, Binghamton
- _______________
- Bastiaan Bloem
- Radboud University Medical Center
- _______________
- Merle Bode
- _______________
- Silvia Bolognin
- University of Maastricht
- _______________
- Douglas Bonhaus
- Eos Therapies Inc.
- _______________
- Ellen Bradley
- University of California, San Francisco
- _______________
- Nicholas Brandon
- Neumora Therapeutics
- _______________
- Douglas Brenneman
- Kannalife Sciences Inc.
- _______________
- Alexis Brice
- Institut du Cerveau (ICM)
- _______________
- Kathrin Brockmann
- University of Tübingen
- _______________
- Ethan Brown
- The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco
- _______________
- Norbert Bruggemann
- University of Lübeck
- _______________
- Michael Brumm
- University of Iowa
- _______________
- Lena Brundin
- Van Andel Research Institute
- _______________
- Michiko Bruno
- Queen's Medical Center
- _______________
- Christopher Bunker
- Alamar BioSciences
- _______________
- Nicole Calakos
- Duke University
- _______________
- Sarah Camargos
- Fundação de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Research Development Foundation of the Federal University of Minas Gerais
- _______________
- Clyde Campbell
- Shake It Up Foundation Australia
- _______________
- Lana Chahine
- University of Pittsburgh
- _______________
- Navdeep Chandel
- Northwestern University
- _______________
- Shivika Chandra
- University of Texas Medical School at Houston
- _______________
- Shomesh Chaudhuri
- QLS Advisors
- _______________
- Hao Cheng
- Yurogen Biosystems LLC
- _______________
- Syeda Chowdhury
- Department of Health and Social Care
- _______________
- Chad Christine
- The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco
- _______________
- Christopher Coffey
- University of Iowa
- _______________
- Jesse Cohen
- University of Florida
- _______________
- Hannah Combs
- Hannah Combs
- _______________
- Luis Concha
- Amprion
- _______________
- Mark Cookson
- National Institute on Aging at NIH
- _______________
- Cheryl Coon
- Critical Path Institute
- _______________
- Stephanie Cragg
- University of Oxford
- _______________
- Alexis Crockett
- Taconic
- _______________
- Gist Croft
- The New York Stem Cell Foundation, Inc.
- _______________
- Valerie Daggett
- University of Washington
- _______________
- Nabila Dahodwala
- The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
- _______________
- Lena Danckert
- Novogene GmbH
- _______________
- Albert Davis
- Washington University School of Medicine
- _______________
- Pietro De Camilli
- Yale University
- _______________
- Aurelie de Rus Jacquet
- Laval University
- _______________
- Marissa Dean
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- _______________
- Arif Demirel
- Charles River Laboratories
- _______________
- Michel Desjardins
- University of Montreal
- _______________
- Sumit Dey
- Queen Mary University of London
- _______________
- Kam Dhaliwal
- Bit.Bio
- _______________
- Julien Dheur
- XProChem
- _______________
- Frank DiFilippo
- Cleveland Clinic Foundation
- _______________
- Jorge Dias
- Alchemab Therapeutics
- _______________
- Benjamin Dichter
- CatalystNeuro
- _______________
- Dennis Dickson
- Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
- _______________
- Elizabeth Disbrow
- Louisiana State University
- _______________
- Roseanne Dobkin
- Rutgers University
- _______________
- Paul Donaghy
- Newcastle University
- _______________
- Xianjun Dong
- Yale University
- _______________
- Richard Doty
- Sensonics, Inc
- _______________
- Nicolas Dzamko
- University of Sydney
- _______________
- Dixie Ecklund
- University of Iowa
- _______________
- Robert Edwards
- The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco
- _______________
- Erez Eitan
- _______________
- María Elena Avale
- INGEBI - Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular (CONICET)
- _______________
- Theresa Ellis
- Boston University
- _______________
- Sonya Eremenco
- Critical Path Institute
- _______________
- Alejandra Eugenia Medina Rivera
- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- _______________
- Torsten Falk
- The University of Arizona
- _______________
- Zih-Hua Fang
- _______________
- Matthew Farrer
- University of Florida
- _______________
- Alfonso Fasano
- University Health Network
- _______________
- Seyed-Mohammad Fereshtehnejad
- Seyed Fereshtehnejad
- _______________
- Hubert Fernandez
- Cleveland Clinic Foundation
- _______________
- Jeanne Feuerstein
- _______________
- Fabienne Fiesel
- Mayo Clinic
- _______________
- Sjoerd Finnema
- AbbVie Inc.
- _______________
- Julia Fitzgerald
- University of Tübingen
- _______________
- Marc Fiume
- DNAstack
- _______________
- Edward Fon
- McGill University
- _______________
- Tatiana Foroud
- Indiana University
- _______________
- Erin Foster
- Washington University School of Medicine
- _______________
- Sam Frank
- Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
- _______________
- Tim Freed
- Envigo
- _______________
- Nelson Freimer
- The Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles
- _______________
- Michelle Fullard
- The Regents of the University of Colorado
- _______________
- Victor Fung
- Westmead Hospital
- _______________
- Leon Furchtgott
- Seranova Bio
- _______________
- Douglas Galasko
- University of California, San Diego
- _______________
- Ziv Gan-Or
- McGill University
- _______________
- Sonia Gandhi
- University College London
- _______________
- Thomas Gasser
- German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Tubingen (DZNE)
- _______________
- David Gate
- Northwestern University
- _______________
- Kalle Gehring
- McGill University
- _______________
- Julie Gerberding
- Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- _______________
- Moran Gilat
- KU Leuven
- _______________
- Martin Gill
- Libra Therapeutics
- _______________
- Pier Giorgio Mastroberardino
- University of L'Aquila
- _______________
- Lisa Goldberg
- Taconic
- _______________
- Matthew Goldberg
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- _______________
- Jennifer Goldman
- JPG Enterprises LLC
- _______________
- Edward Gomperts
- Hillhurst Biopharmaceuticals, Inc
- _______________
- Paulina Gonzalez Latapi
- Northwestern University
- _______________
- Lindsey Gottler
- Proteos
- _______________
- Roger Gunn
- XingImaging, LLC
- _______________
- Vineet Gupta
- University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston
- _______________
- Carsten Haber
- _______________
- William Hagstrom
- Octave Bioscience, Inc
- _______________
- Deborah Hall
- Rush University Medical Center
- _______________
- John Hardy
- University College London
- _______________
- Kim Henriksen
- Nordic Bioscience
- _______________
- Nicholas Hertz
- Montara Therapeutics, Inc.
- _______________
- Christopher Hess
- Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases, University of Florida Health
- _______________
- Peter Heutink
- _______________
- Roland Heym
- AbbVie Inc.
- _______________
- Vanessa Hinson
- The Medical University of South Carolina
- _______________
- Penelope Hogarth
- Oregon Health and Science University
- _______________
- Jason Howitt
- Swinburne University of Technology
- _______________
- Erich Huang
- Verily Life Sciences
- _______________
- Daniel Huddleston
- Emory University
- _______________
- James Hurley
- University of California, Berkeley
- _______________
- Henri Huttunen
- Herantis Pharma Plc
- _______________
- Birgit Högl
- _______________
- Laura Ibanez
- Washington University School of Medicine
- _______________
- Ioannis Isaias
- Centro Parkinson e Parkinsonismi (ASST G. Pini-CTO)
- _______________
- Mattias Ivarsson
- Salvina Therapeutics Inc.
- _______________
- Hirotaka Iwaki
- Data Tecnica International
- _______________
- Ganesh Iyer
- Opprtna Therapeutics Inc
- _______________
- Jonathan Jackson
- _______________
- Johan Jakobsson
- Lund University
- _______________
- Lisa Johnstone
- Evidation Health
- _______________
- A. Jon Stoessl
- University of British Columbia
- _______________
- Nicolas Kernick
- Sandbox AQ
- _______________
- Vikram Khurana
- Brigham & Women's Hospital, Inc.
- _______________
- Camilla Kilbane
- University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
- _______________
- Asha Kishore
- Aster Medcity
- _______________
- Christine Klein
- University of Lübeck
- _______________
- Prashanth Kukkle
- Parkinson's Research Alliance of India
- _______________
- Kishore Kumar
- _______________
- Ravindran Kumaran
- Abcam
- _______________
- Kelvin L. Chou
- University of Michigan
- _______________
- Matthew LaVoie
- University of Florida
- _______________
- Jennifer Lamoureux
- Amprion
- _______________
- Hilal Lashuel
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
- _______________
- Jae-Kyung Lee
- University of Georgia
- _______________
- Benoit Lehallier
- Alkahest
- _______________
- Stephane Lehericy
- Institut du Cerveau (ICM)
- _______________
- Todd Levine
- CND Life Sciences
- _______________
- Shen-Yang Lim
- University of Malaya
- _______________
- Natlada Limotai
- Neurological Institute of Thailand
- _______________
- Aaron Lord
- New York University Grossman School of Medicine
- _______________
- Timothy Lynch
- Dublin Neurological Institute The Mater Hospital
- _______________
- Omar Mabrouk
- Biogen
- _______________
- Robert Mach
- The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
- _______________
- Giulia Malferrari
- BioRep S.r.l.
- _______________
- Martina Mancini
- Oregon Health and Science University
- _______________
- Sneha Mantri
- Duke University
- _______________
- Kenneth Marek
- The Institute for Neurodegenerative Disorders
- _______________
- Enza Maria Valente
- University of Pavia
- _______________
- Giulietta Maria Riboldi
- New York University
- _______________
- Maria Marquine
- Duke University
- _______________
- Connie Marras
- Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network
- _______________
- Steve Marshall
- GeneDetect
- _______________
- Ignacio Mata
- Cleveland Clinic Foundation
- _______________
- Niklas Mattsson-Carlgren
- Skane University Hospital
- _______________
- Nikolaus McFarland
- University of Florida
- _______________
- Cindy McReynolds
- EicOsis
- _______________
- Wassilios Meissner
- Bordeaux University Hospital (CHU-Bordeaux)
- _______________
- Niccolo Mencacci
- Northwestern University
- _______________
- Kalpana Merchant
- TransThera Consulting Co.
- _______________
- Marcelo Merello
- Fleni Hospital
- _______________
- Tiago Mestre
- Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
- _______________
- Laura Millichamp
- InsideReg
- _______________
- Mark Mintun
- Eli Lilly & Co. Ltd.
- _______________
- Anat Mirelman
- The Medical Research, Infrastructure and Health Services Fund of the Tel Aviv Medical Center
- _______________
- Helen Mitchell
- Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC
- _______________
- Wael Mohamed
- Kulliyyah Of Medicine of International Islamic University Malaysia
- _______________
- Brit Mollenhauer
- Paracelsus-Elena-Klinik
- _______________
- Huw Morris
- University College London
- _______________
- Richard Mott
- Sygnature Discovery Limited
- _______________
- Emile Moukheiber
- Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- _______________
- Jenn Mumenthaler
- Greenphire
- _______________
- Miratul Muqit
- University of Dundee
- _______________
- Michael Nalls
- Data Tecnica International
- _______________
- Mikala Narlock
- University of Minnesota
- _______________
- Benjamin Neale
- The Broad Institute, Inc.
- _______________
- Jessie Ni
- BioLegend, Inc.
- _______________
- Susan Nielsen
- Washington University in St. Louis
- _______________
- Jorik Nonnekes
- Radboud University Medical Center
- _______________
- Scott Norris
- Washington University School of Medicine
- _______________
- Alastair Noyce
- Queen Mary University of London
- _______________
- Suhail Nurbhai
- Mission Therapeutics Ltd
- _______________
- Claire O'Hanlon
- RAND Corporation
- _______________
- Wolfgang Oertel
- Philipps University Marburg
- _______________
- Eleni Okeanis Vaou
- UT Health San Antonio
- _______________
- Njideka Okubadejo
- University of Lagos
- _______________
- Lezanne Ooi
- University of Wollongong
- _______________
- Thomas Otis
- Lario Therapeutics, Ltd
- _______________
- Richard Pace
- Parimer Scientific
- _______________
- Rajesh Pahwa
- University of Kansas Medical Center
- _______________
- Nikolaos Papagiannakis
- _______________
- Laura Parkkinen
- University of Oxford
- _______________
- Carly Parry
- NORC at the University of Chicago
- _______________
- Benedict Paten
- University of California, Santa Cruz
- _______________
- Joseph Patterson
- Michigan State University
- _______________
- Kimberly Paul
- The Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles
- _______________
- Nicola Pavese
- Newcastle University
- _______________
- Todd Pelham
- EPL Archives
- _______________
- Joshua Petrelli
- GE Healthcare
- _______________
- Adam Phillippy
- National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
- _______________
- Andrew Pincetic
- Alector
- _______________
- Sean Pintchovski
- AcureX Therapeutics
- _______________
- Penina Ponger
- The Medical Research, Infrastructure and Health Services Fund of the Tel Aviv Medical Center
- _______________
- Kathleen Poston
- Stanford University
- _______________
- Ron Postuma
- McGill University
- _______________
- Neha Prakash
- The Institute for Neurodegenerative Disorders
- _______________
- Maria Quinton
- AbbVie Inc.
- _______________
- H. Rachel Lagiakos
- Schrodinger
- _______________
- Gerard Raimon Saranza
- Chong Hua Hospital
- _______________
- Sri Ramulu Pullagura
- Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- _______________
- Shima Rastegarpouyani
- Biotech Connection Bay Area
- _______________
- Ashley Rawls
- University of Florida
- _______________
- Christopher Raymond
- Taconic
- _______________
- Covance Research Products Inc.
- Labcorp
- _______________
- Raymond Rosales
- Center for Neurodiagnostic and Therapeutic Services, Department of Neuroscience and Brain Health, Metropolitan Medical Center
- _______________
- Richard Rutter
- NRG Therapeutics Ltd
- _______________
- Mina Ryten
- University of Cambridge
- _______________
- Marie Saint-Hilaire
- Boston Medical Center
- _______________
- Sahana Sathyanarayana
- _______________
- Rachel Saunders-Pullman
- Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- _______________
- Sebastian Schade
- Paracelsus-Elena-Klinik
- _______________
- Randy Schekman
- University of California, Berkeley
- _______________
- Clemens Scherzer
- Yale University
- _______________
- Michael Schlossmacher
- Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
- _______________
- Artur Schuh
- _______________
- Julian Sefrin
- AbbVie Inc.
- _______________
- John Seibyl
- The Institute for Neurodegenerative Disorders
- _______________
- Ejaz Shamim
- Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, P.C.
- _______________
- Ronit Sharon
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- _______________
- Holly Shill
- Dignity Health
- _______________
- Kohei Shimada
- GEXVal Inc.
- _______________
- Mitsuomi Shirahashi
- iPS Academia Japan, Inc.
- _______________
- Lisa Shulman
- University of Maryland
- _______________
- Andrew Siderowf
- The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
- _______________
- Cristina Simonet
- Queen Mary University of London
- _______________
- Tanya Simuni
- Northwestern University
- _______________
- Scott Small
- Columbia University
- _______________
- Jennie Socha
- International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (MDS)
- _______________
- Ahmed Soliman
- Brigham & Women's Hospital, Inc.
- _______________
- Richard Soll
- _______________
- David Song
- Psomagen, Inc.
- _______________
- Claudio Soto
- University of Texas Medical School at Houston
- _______________
- Julia Staisch
- Ochsner Clinic Foundation
- _______________
- David Standaert
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- _______________
- Kelly Stauch
- University of Nebraska Medical Center
- _______________
- Leonidas Stefanis
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- _______________
- Jeffrey Stehouwer
- University of Pittsburgh
- _______________
- Pawel Stocki
- Ossianix, Inc.
- _______________
- Jo Stratton
- McGill University
- _______________
- John Streiff
- InflammaNova Rx, LLC
- _______________
- Peter Strick
- University of Pittsburgh
- _______________
- Eva-Maria Surmann
- The Jackson Laboratory
- _______________
- Dalton Surmeier
- Northwestern University
- _______________
- Per Svenningsson
- Karolinska Institutet
- _______________
- Gilles Tamagnan
- XingImaging, LLC
- _______________
- Ai-Huey Tan
- Unit Perundingan Universiti Malaya
- _______________
- Alice Tang
- Tufts University
- _______________
- Caroline Tanner
- The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco
- _______________
- Gilles Tapolsky
- Bexion Pharmaceuticals
- _______________
- Carmela Tartaglia
- The Governing Council of the University of Toronto
- _______________
- Kirsten Taylor
- F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
- _______________
- Jean-Marc Taymans
- Lille Neuroscience & Cognition
- _______________
- George Tofaris
- University of Oxford
- _______________
- Arthur Toga
- University of Southern California
- _______________
- Eduardo Tolosa
- _______________
- Duygu Tosun-Turgut
- The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco
- _______________
- Joanne Trinh
- University of Lübeck
- _______________
- Thomas Tropea
- The Institute for Neurodegenerative Disorders
- _______________
- Peter Vangheluwe
- KU Leuven
- _______________
- Neil Vasdev
- MedChem Imaging, Inc.
- _______________
- Sridhar Vasudevan
- University of Oxford - Department of Pharmacology
- _______________
- Philip Verghese
- C2N Diagnostics, LLC
- _______________
- Aleksandar Videnovic
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- _______________
- Pieter Visser
- Amsterdam University medical center
- _______________
- Joaquin Vizcara
- _______________
- David Vocadlo
- Simon Fraser University
- _______________
- Thierry Voet
- KU Leuven
- _______________
- J. Wade Harper
- Harvard University
- _______________
- Richard Wade-Martins
- University of Oxford
- _______________
- Jeremy Walston
- Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- _______________
- David Walt
- President and Fellows of Harvard College
- _______________
- Yifei Wang
- Biotech Connection Bay Area
- _______________
- Xiang Wang
- Nico Therapeutics
- _______________
- Rimona Weil
- University College London
- _______________
- Daniel Weintraub
- The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
- _______________
- Hillary West
- Labcorp
- _______________
- Ana Westenberger
- Institute of Neurogenetics, Luebeck
- _______________
- Thomas Wichmann
- Emory University
- _______________
- Nicholas Wood
- University College London
- _______________
- Tracy Woodruff
- The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco
- _______________
- Tao Xie
- University of Chicag
- _______________
- Chi- Ying Lin
- Baylor College of Medicine
- _______________
- Cyrus Zabetian
- Seattle Institute for Biomedical and Clinical Research (SIBCR)
- _______________
- Phyllis Zee
- Northwestern University
- _______________
- Mingwei Zhao
- Quanterix
- _______________
- Julie Zissimopoulos
- University of Southern California
- _______________
- Elena Ziviani
- Università degli Studi di Padova (University of Padua)
- _______________
- Friederike Zunke
- University Hospital Erlangen
We have made a concerted effort to accurately track and list all MJFF advisors. If your name is misspelled or missing from this page, please accept our apology and email the correct information to

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Our funding programs support basic, translational and clinical research from academia and industry.