The Foundation supports research across basic, translational and clinical science to speed breakthroughs that can lead to the creation of new treatments and a better quality of life for people with Parkinson's disease.
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Previously funded studies appear chronologically, with the most recent appearing first.
Research Grant, 2021A New Target for Limiting the Spread of Toxic Alpha-Synuclein Aggregation and Preventing Neuronal Degeneration
Study Rationale:
The pathological hallmark of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the widespread accumulation of cellular inclusions, called Lewy Bodies, composed of clumps of improperly folded alpha... -
Target Advancement Program, 2021Targeting the Neurovascular Unit to Prevent Dissemination and Progression of Parkinson’s Disease
Study Rationale:
The cells residing in the brain are physically separated from the blood stream by the blood-brain barrier, a specialized grouping of cells that reduces transfer from the blood... -
Access to Data and Biospecimens, 2021Assessing Inhibition of a Protein of the “Complement System” to Reduce Brain Inflammation and Neuronal Loss in People with Parkinson’s Disease
Study Rationale:
Inflammation contributes to the degeneration of neurons in the brains of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). One of the molecules involved in this inflammatory... -
Therapeutic Pipeline Program, 2021Studies to Assess the Potential of Gold “Nanocrystals” for the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
Study Rationale:
CNM-Au8 is a new type of nanomedicine that consists of tiny crystals made of pure gold. The multifaceted surface of these gold nanocrystals provides a platform for metabolic... -
Target Advancement Program, 2021Use of Therapeutic Nanoparticles to Inhibit Toxic Aggregation of Alpha-Synuclein
Study Rationale:
A hallmark of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the abnormal accumulation of clumps of alpha-synuclein in nerve cells. These improperly folded protein clumps contribute to the symptoms of... -
Research Grant, 2021Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Imaging Methods for Monitoring the Progression of Parkinson’s Disease
Study Rationale:
Parkinson’s disease robs the brain of dopamine, a neurochemical needed for normal movement and cognition. A variety of imaging methods can be used to monitor the brain’s dopamine...
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Our funding programs support basic, translational and clinical research from academia and industry.