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Podcast: How Genetic Discoveries Lead to Parkinson's Therapies

What Parkinson’s Genetics Mean for Personal Experience and Research

You could take any two humans on earth and their genetic code will be roughly 99 percent the same — it’s the small differences in code that lead to different experiences and outcomes, including the risk of developing diseases like Parkinson’s. Scientists are learning more about which genetic changes are linked to Parkinson’s disease, revealing important insights into disease biology and progression. Tune into this episode of our award-winning “Parkinson’s Science POV” series to learn how researchers are using genetics to better understand the disease and work toward better treatments for all.  

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Join David Kumbroch, senior science writer at The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF), as he leads this discussion on Parkinson’s and genetics with expert panelists: 

  • Brian Fiske, PhD, chief scientist at MJFF.
  • Thomas Gasser, MD, PhD, the director of the department of neurodegenerative disease at Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research. 

View a transcript of this podcast

For more information on the LRRK2 genetic variant and studies recruiting volunteers with that genetic makeup, check out our blog.  

Whether you have Parkinson’s or not, you can help move research forward. Join the study that’s changing everything.  

This episode was made possible by Prevail Therapeutics. Partner support allows us to furnish high-quality educational content to the Parkinson's community while maintaining our commitment to allocate donor dollars to high-impact research. Editorial control of all Michael J. Fox Foundation-published content rests solely with the Foundation. 

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