William Hasler, MD, has been a faculty member in the Gastroenterology Division of the University of Michigan Health System since 1989. His research and clinical interests have centered on disorders of gastrointestinal motility -- the ability of the gastrointestinal tract to move its contents forward. He has authored over160 peer-reviewed articles and over 50 book chapters and edited eight books. Dr. Hasler serves as an associate editor for Gastroenterology, the premier subspecialty journal. He was a member of the Rome IV Committee to revise diagnostic criteria for functional bowel disorders and is a member of the Practice Guidelines Committee to devise standard management approaches to cyclic vomiting syndrome and the Gastrointestinal Transit Appropriate Use Criteria Committee to develop clinical standards for gastric, small bowel and colon transit testing. He maintains an active clinical practice serving patients with dysmotility syndromes including gastroparesis, intestinal pseudo-obstruction, colonic inertia and other conditions with refractory nausea, vomiting and constipation. For his patient care, Dr. Hasler was elected to the Clinical Excellence Society at the University of Michigan in 2016.