Wim Versées studied bioengineering sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), where he obtained his PhD in 2002. After a postdoctoral fellowship focused on targeting enzymes from trypanosomes for drug development, he moved to the Max Planck Institute in Dortmund (Germany) to work on MnmE, an enzyme involved in modifying transfer RNAs. In 2008, he returned to Brussels as a staff scientist in the Center for Structural Biology of the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) and in 2012, he became a professor at VUB, where he teaches biophysics, enzymology and protein structure and function to chemists and bioengineers. Dr. Versées.
His main expertise is in the field of structural biology, enzymology and biophysics, using nanobody technology to elucidate protein structure and function. His recent work focuses on the structural biology and biochemistry of enzymes and signaling cascades involved in human disease, with a particular emphasis on enzyme “switches” called GTPases.
Associated Grants
Development of Nanobodies as Novel Tools to Characterize LRRK2 as a Potential Drug Target for Parkinson's Disease