Mandy Miller Koop is an assistant staff member in biomedical engineering at the Lerner Research Institute. She completed her PhD at Stanford University in mechanical engineering under the supervision of Drs. Helen Bronte-Stewart and Scott Delp, and then remained in Dr. Bronte-Stewart’s lab for an additional six years in a senior research position. During that time, she continued her training in processing of neural and kinematic data before joining Dr. Alberts’ team. In her current position, she leads the engineering team in 1) the development of quantitative kinematic measures of the cardinal motor symptoms of PD that can easily be integrated into electronic medical records; 2) identifying the neural signatures of freezing of gait in people with PD as they navigate an augmented reality obstacle course; and 3) validating the biomechanical measures of gait derived from augmented and virtual reality motion sensors to the gold standard system for motion capture.