3601 - 3625 of 5832 Results
OPENTitle: [18F]Florbetapir PET/MR imaging to assess demyelination in multiple sclerosisJournal Name: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular ImagingPublisher: Springer Science and Business Media LLCVol: 47Issue #: 2Start Page: 366End Page: 378Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: cc-byDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1007/s00259-019-04533-yBest OA location URL: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s00259-019-04533-y.pdfCitation Count: 23
OPENTitle: Genetic architecture of subcortical brain structures in 38,851 individualsJournal Name: Nature GeneticsPublisher: Springer Science and Business Media LLCVol: 51Issue #: 11Start Page: 1624End Page: 1636Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1038/s41588-019-0511-yBest OA location URL: https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/10852/75965/2/173831v1.full.pdfCitation Count: 245
OPENTitle: A novel approach to study markers of dopamine signaling in peripheral immune cellsJournal Name: Journal of Immunological MethodsPublisher: Elsevier BVVol: 476Issue #:Start Page: 112686End Page: 112686Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.jim.2019.112686Best OA location URL: https://europepmc.org/articles/pmc6939127?pdf=renderCitation Count: 21
- Membrane association but not identity is required for LRRK2 activation and phosphorylation of Rab GTPases2019OPENTitle: Membrane association but not identity is required for LRRK2 activation and phosphorylation of Rab GTPasesJournal Name: Journal of Cell BiologyPublisher: Rockefeller University PressVol: 218Issue #: 12Start Page: 4157End Page: 4170Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: cc-by-nc-saDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1083/jcb.201902184Best OA location URL: https://rupress.org/jcb/article-pdf/218/12/4157/1395522/jcb_201902184.pdfCitation Count: 97
OPENTitle: Neuropsychological Test Performances and Depression in Early-Stage De Novo Parkinson’s DiseaseJournal Name: Archives of Clinical NeuropsychologyPublisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)Vol: 36Issue #: 1Start Page: 112End Page: 116Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1093/arclin/acz067Best OA location URL: https://academic.oup.com/acn/article-pdf/36/1/112/35858436/acz067.pdfCitation Count: 4
- A modulator of wild-type glucocerebrosidase improves pathogenic phenotypes in dopaminergic neuronal models of Parkinson’s disease2019OPENTitle: A modulator of wild-type glucocerebrosidase improves pathogenic phenotypes in dopaminergic neuronal models of Parkinson’s diseaseJournal Name: Science Translational MedicinePublisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)Vol: 11Issue #: 514Start Page:End Page:Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aau6870Best OA location URL: https://stm.sciencemag.org/content/scitransmed/11/514/eaau6870.full.pdfCitation Count: 86
- Neural connectivity predicts spreading of alpha-synuclein pathology in fibril-injected mouse models: Involvement of retrograde and anterograde axonal propagation2019OPENTitle: Neural connectivity predicts spreading of alpha-synuclein pathology in fibril-injected mouse models: Involvement of retrograde and anterograde axonal propagationJournal Name: Neurobiology of DiseasePublisher: Elsevier BVVol: 134Issue #:Start Page: 104623End Page: 104623Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: cc-by-nc-ndDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.nbd.2019.104623Best OA location URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nbd.2019.104623Citation Count: 69
- Are the International Parkinson disease and Movement Disorder Society progressive supranuclear palsy (IPMDS-PSP) diagnostic criteria accurate enough to differentiate common PSP phenotypes?2019OPENTitle: Are the International Parkinson disease and Movement Disorder Society progressive supranuclear palsy (IPMDS-PSP) diagnostic criteria accurate enough to differentiate common PSP phenotypes?Journal Name: Parkinsonism & Related DisordersPublisher: Elsevier BVVol: 69Issue #:Start Page: 34End Page: 39Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: publisher-specific-oaDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2019.10.012Best OA location URL: http://manuscript.elsevier.com/S1353802019304390/pdf/S1353802019304390.pdfCitation Count: 21
OPENTitle: LRRK2 inhibition prevents endolysosomal deficits seen in human Parkinson's diseaseJournal Name: Neurobiology of DiseasePublisher: Elsevier BVVol: 134Issue #:Start Page: 104626End Page: 104626Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: cc-by-nc-ndDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.nbd.2019.104626Best OA location URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nbd.2019.104626Citation Count: 84
- Clinical use of SAND battery to evaluate language in patients with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy2019OPENTitle: Clinical use of SAND battery to evaluate language in patients with Progressive Supranuclear PalsyJournal Name: PLOS ONEPublisher: Public Library of Science (PLoS)Vol: 14Issue #: 10Start Page: e0223621End Page: e0223621Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: cc-byDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1371/journal.pone.0223621Best OA location URL: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0223621&type=printableCitation Count: 12
OPENTitle: Stabilization of α-synuclein oligomers using formaldehydeJournal Name: PLOS ONEPublisher: Public Library of Science (PLoS)Vol: 14Issue #: 10Start Page: e0216764End Page: e0216764Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: cc-byDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216764Best OA location URL: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0216764&type=printableCitation Count: 25
- ToolBox: Live Imaging of intracellular organelle transport in induced pluripotent stem cell‐derived neurons2019OPENTitle: ToolBox: Live Imaging of intracellular organelle transport in induced pluripotent stem cell‐derived neuronsJournal Name: TrafficPublisher: WileyVol: 21Issue #: 1Start Page: 138End Page: 155Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1111/tra.12701Best OA location URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdfdirect/10.1111/tra.12701Citation Count: 47
OPENTitle: ARSA variants in α-synucleinopathiesJournal Name: BrainPublisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)Vol: 142Issue #: 12Start Page: e70End Page: e70Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1093/brain/awz340Best OA location URL: https://academic.oup.com/brain/article-pdf/142/12/e70/31499429/awz340.pdfCitation Count: 18
OPENTitle: Drug and Disease Effects in Parkinson's Psychosis: Revisiting the Role of DopamineJournal Name: Movement Disorders Clinical PracticePublisher: WileyVol: 7Issue #: 1Start Page: 32End Page: 36Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: cc-by-ncDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1002/mdc3.12851Best OA location URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdfdirect/10.1002/mdc3.12851Citation Count: 19
OPENTitle: A combined miRNA–piRNA signature to detect Alzheimer’s diseaseJournal Name: Translational PsychiatryPublisher: Springer Science and Business Media LLCVol: 9Issue #: 1Start Page:End Page:Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: cc-byDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1038/s41398-019-0579-2Best OA location URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41398-019-0579-2.pdfCitation Count: 92
OPENTitle: Feasibility of repeat and bilateral submandibular gland needle biopsies in Parkinson's diseaseJournal Name: Parkinsonism & Related DisordersPublisher: Elsevier BVVol: 68Issue #:Start Page: 69End Page: 72Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2019.10.006Best OA location URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9979781Citation Count: 17
OPENTitle: Metadata Concepts for Advancing the Use of Digital Health Technologies in Clinical ResearchJournal Name: Digital BiomarkersPublisher: S. Karger AGVol: 3Issue #: 3Start Page: 116End Page: 132Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: cc-by-nc-ndDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1159/000502951Best OA location URL: https://www.karger.com/Article/Pdf/502951Citation Count: 36
OPENTitle: The necroptosis machinery mediates axonal degeneration in a model of Parkinson diseaseJournal Name: Cell Death & DifferentiationPublisher: Springer Science and Business Media LLCVol: 27Issue #: 4Start Page: 1169End Page: 1185Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1038/s41418-019-0408-4Best OA location URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41418-019-0408-4.pdfCitation Count: 85
OPENTitle: Bundled Three-Dimensional Human Axon Tracts Derived from Brain OrganoidsJournal Name: iSciencePublisher: Elsevier BVVol: 21Issue #:Start Page: 57End Page: 67Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: cc-by-nc-ndDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.isci.2019.10.004Best OA location URL: http://www.cell.com/article/S2589004219303839/pdfCitation Count: 44
OPENTitle: Is Pallido‐Pyramidal Syndrome Still a Useful Concept? NoJournal Name: Movement Disorders Clinical PracticePublisher: WileyVol: 7Issue #: 1Start Page: 27End Page: 29Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1002/mdc3.12843Best OA location URL: https://movementdisorders.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdfdirect/10.1002/mdc3.12843Citation Count: 2
- β-catenin aggregation in models of ALS motor neurons: GSK3β inhibition effect and neuronal differentiation2019OPENTitle: β-catenin aggregation in models of ALS motor neurons: GSK3β inhibition effect and neuronal differentiationJournal Name: Neurobiology of DiseasePublisher: Elsevier BVVol: 130Issue #:Start Page: 104497End Page: 104497Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: publisher-specific-oaDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.nbd.2019.104497Best OA location URL: http://manuscript.elsevier.com/S0969996119301524/pdf/S0969996119301524.pdfCitation Count: 18
OPENTitle: Validation of the Movement Disorder Society Criteria for the Diagnosis of 4‐Repeat TauopathiesJournal Name: Movement DisordersPublisher: WileyVol: 35Issue #: 1Start Page: 171End Page: 176Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1002/mds.27872Best OA location URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7993399Citation Count: 49
- Temporal discrimination threshold and blink reflex recovery cycle in cervical dystonia – two sides of the same coin?2019OPENTitle: Temporal discrimination threshold and blink reflex recovery cycle in cervical dystonia – two sides of the same coin?Journal Name: Parkinsonism & Related DisordersPublisher: Elsevier BVVol: 68Issue #:Start Page: 4End Page: 7Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2019.09.028Best OA location URL: https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/434837/1/PARKRELDIS_D_19_00249_unmarked.pdfCitation Count: 5
OPENTitle: Introduction of Network-Based Healthcare at Kaiser PermanenteJournal Name: Journal of Parkinson’s DiseasePublisher: SAGE PublicationsVol: 10Issue #: 1Start Page: 207End Page: 212Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: cc-by-ncDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.3233/jpd-191620Best OA location URL: https://content.iospress.com:443/download/journal-of-parkinsons-disease/jpd191620?id=journal-of-parkinsons-disease%2Fjpd191620Citation Count: 12
- Miro1 Marks Parkinson’s Disease Subset and Miro1 Reducer Rescues Neuron Loss in Parkinson’s Models2019OPENTitle: Miro1 Marks Parkinson’s Disease Subset and Miro1 Reducer Rescues Neuron Loss in Parkinson’s ModelsJournal Name: Cell MetabolismPublisher: Elsevier BVVol: 30Issue #: 6Start Page: 1131End Page: 1140.e7Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: publisher-specific-oaDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.cmet.2019.08.023Best OA location URL: http://www.cell.com/article/S1550413119304978/pdfCitation Count: 119