4901 - 4910 of 5832 Results
- Genetic Dissection of Horizontal Cell Inhibitory Signaling in Mice in Complete Darkness In Vivo2015OPENTitle: Genetic Dissection of Horizontal Cell Inhibitory Signaling in Mice in Complete Darkness In VivoJournal Name: Investigative Opthalmology & Visual SciencePublisher: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)Vol: 56Issue #: 5Start Page: 3132End Page: 3132Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1167/iovs.15-16581Best OA location URL: https://europepmc.org/articles/pmc4451614?pdf=renderCitation Count: 9
OPENTitle: The Image and Data Archive at the Laboratory of Neuro ImagingJournal Name: NeuroImagePublisher: Elsevier BVVol: 124Issue #:Start Page: 1080End Page: 1083Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.04.067Best OA location URL: https://europepmc.org/articles/pmc4644502?pdf=renderCitation Count: 50
OPENTitle: In Vivo 7T MRI of the Non-Human Primate BrainstemJournal Name: PLOS ONEPublisher: Public Library of Science (PLoS)Vol: 10Issue #: 5Start Page: e0127049End Page: e0127049Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: cc-byDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127049Best OA location URL: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0127049&type=printableCitation Count: 17
OPENTitle: Parkinson's disease biomarkers program brain imaging repositoryJournal Name: NeuroImagePublisher: Elsevier BVVol: 124Issue #:Start Page: 1120End Page: 1124Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.05.005Best OA location URL: https://europepmc.org/articles/pmc4643422?pdf=renderCitation Count: 20
- Hippocampal (subfield) volume and shape in relation to cognitive performance across the adult lifespan2015OPENTitle: Hippocampal (subfield) volume and shape in relation to cognitive performance across the adult lifespanJournal Name: Human Brain MappingPublisher: WileyVol: 36Issue #: 8Start Page: 3020End Page: 3037Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1002/hbm.22825Best OA location URL: https://europepmc.org/articles/pmc6869683?pdf=renderCitation Count: 93
- Disclosure of research results in genetic studies of Parkinson's disease caused byLRRK2mutations2015OPENTitle: Disclosure of research results in genetic studies of Parkinson's disease caused byLRRK2mutationsJournal Name: Movement DisordersPublisher: WileyVol: 30Issue #: 7Start Page: 904End Page: 908Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1002/mds.26250Best OA location URL: https://europepmc.org/articles/pmc4478096?pdf=renderCitation Count: 12
OPENTitle: Aberrant cerebral network topology and mild cognitive impairment in early Parkinson's diseaseJournal Name: Human Brain MappingPublisher: WileyVol: 36Issue #: 8Start Page: 2980End Page: 2995Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1002/hbm.22822Best OA location URL: https://europepmc.org/articles/pmc6869566?pdf=renderCitation Count: 99
OPENTitle: Novel recruitment strategy to enrich forLRRK2mutation carriersJournal Name: Molecular Genetics & Genomic MedicinePublisher: WileyVol: 3Issue #: 5Start Page: 404End Page: 412Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: cc-byDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1002/mgg3.151Best OA location URL: https://doi.org/10.1002/mgg3.151Citation Count: 18
- Structural and Functional Impact of Parkinson Disease-Associated Mutations in the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Parkin2015OPENTitle: Structural and Functional Impact of Parkinson Disease-Associated Mutations in the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase ParkinJournal Name: Human MutationPublisher: WileyVol: 36Issue #: 8Start Page: 774End Page: 786Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense:DOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1002/humu.22808Best OA location URL: https://europepmc.org/articles/pmc4514554?pdf=renderCitation Count: 80
- Dopaminergic Lesions of the Dorsolateral Striatum in Rats Increase Delay Discounting in an Impulsive Choice Task2015OPENTitle: Dopaminergic Lesions of the Dorsolateral Striatum in Rats Increase Delay Discounting in an Impulsive Choice TaskJournal Name: PLOS ONEPublisher: Public Library of Science (PLoS)Vol: 10Issue #: 4Start Page: e0122063End Page: e0122063Publication Date:Open Access(OA) Status: OPENLicense: cc-byDOI - Digital Object Identifier: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122063Best OA location URL: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0122063&type=printableCitation Count: 55