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Funded Studies

The Foundation supports research across basic, translational and clinical science to speed breakthroughs that can lead to the creation of new treatments and a better quality of life for people with Parkinson's disease.

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Previously funded studies appear chronologically, with the most recent appearing first.

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  • Edmond J. Safra Global Genetics Consortia, 2004
    Gene-Environment Interaction in PD: Predicting the Onset, Prognosis and Response to Treatment

    Parkinson's disease is a complex and heterogeneous disorder. Discovery of genes that result in rare inherited forms of PD has led to new insights into the cause of disease and the promise of effective...

  • Edmond J. Safra Global Genetics Consortia, 2004
    Gene Expression in Parkinson's Disease

    "Gene chip" technology allows for expression analysis of thousands of genes on a single glass slide, known as microarray. Together with our collaborators we have already assayed 4.2 million data...

  • Edmond J. Safra Global Genetics Consortia, 2004
    Genetic and Environmental Factors in Parkinson's Disease

    Epidemiologic studies in recent years have convincingly demonstrated that cigarette smoking and coffee drinking are less common among individuals who have developed Parkinson's disease (PD) than...

  • Community Fast Track, 2004
    Dopaminergic Neurogenesis: From Development to Stem Cell Replacement Therapies

    Parkinson's disease is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the loss of dopamine producing neurons (dopaminergic neurons) in a specific brain region, the ventral midbrain. The...

  • Community Fast Track, 2004
    A DJ-1 mutant zebrafish model of Parkinson’s disease (PD)

    Genetic research has provided new insight into the underlying causes of Parkinson's disease, but this has not yet resulted in any direct benefit to the patients. In particular, this has not lead to...

  • Community Fast Track, 2004
    Role of the Ras/ERK signaling pathway in the development of dyskinesia and motor fluctuationsduring chronic L-DOPA treatment

    L-DOPA is the most effective treatment for Parkinson's disease, but causes adverse motor effects that limit its utility. Such effects include, abnormal involuntary movements (dyskinesia) and...

Two female doctors talking in the lab.

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