The Foundation supports research across basic, translational and clinical science to speed breakthroughs that can lead to the creation of new treatments and a better quality of life for people with Parkinson's disease.
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Previously funded studies appear chronologically, with the most recent appearing first.
Target Advancement Program, 2019Investigating Vulnerability of Subsets of Dopaminergic Neurons
Study Rationale:
Brain cells that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine are the most vulnerable to cell death in Parkinson’s disease (PD), but the reasons for this are not known. New techniques have... -
Research Grant, 2019Inhibition of LRRK2 Roc-COR GTPase
Study Rationale:
The LRRK2 protein is overactive in people with Parkinson’s and a mutation in the LRRK2 gene. Recent research shows LRRK2 may be overactive in a sporadic (cause unknown) Parkinson’s... -
Therapeutic Pipeline Program, 2019Development of a Novel TRPML1 Activator for Parkinson’s Disease
Study Rationale:
A primary cause of Parkinson’s disease is build-up of a toxic protein in specific neurons in the brain. There is evidence that in Parkinson’s disease the cellular machinery to clear... -
Epidemiological Parkinson's Risk Modifiers, 2019Association of Dietary Patterns with Parkinson’s Symptoms and Pathology
Study Rationale:
Currently there is no preventive treatment for Parkinson’s disease. Our recent analyses has indicated that healthy dietary patterns such as the MIND (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention... -
Research Grant, 2019Assessment and Monitoring of Neuromotor Function through Advanced Dynamic Pose Estimation
Study Rationale:
Parkinson’s disease (PD) begins well before movement symptoms appear, and many people have a long journey to diagnosis. No objective test for Parkinson’s exists. If we are able to... -
Improved Biomarkers and Clinical Outcome Measures, 2019International Validation of Two Non-motor Symptom Scales in Parkinson’s Disease
Study Rationale:
Non-motor Parkinson’s symptoms can fluctuate with dopaminergic medication effectiveness. Anxiety, sadness, lack of energy and fatigue are common symptoms during the off-medication...

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Our funding programs support basic, translational and clinical research from academia and industry.